Before You Start

Understand more about what this process is, and how it can help you.

Awareness, Release, Rehabilitate

Through using the modalities of the Emotion Code and Body Code, I have created a three stage process called Awareness, Release, and Rehabilitate


Awareness creates an understanding of where an individual’s blocks are coming from.  The brain could create physical, mental, or emotional symptoms, to avoid dealing with an issue.  Through connecting with the subconscious mind, I am able to identify the imbalances that are causing these symptoms. 


Using the tools of the Emotion Code and Body Code as well as muscle testing, I am able to release the imbalances which will allow the rehabilitation to be a much more fluid process.


Rehabilitate involves reprogramming the neuro pathways to be able to create new ways of thinking, which will in turn allow the brain to run on a different frequency.  The age and experience when the block occurred will determine how many sessions are needed.

Do you or a family member struggle with anxiety, chronic pain, brain fog, overwhelm, lack of drive, or sleeplessness Have you tried different therapies or programs and nothing seems to work?

Frequently these issues are caused by previous negative experiences that the individual has gone through, which have left a strong impression on the body.

If these negative experiences are not processed, they can show up in many different ways, such as, anxiety, depression, anger, addiction, or chronic pain.

Has it ever happened to you that you feel upset or frustrated, or irritated all day for no apparent reason?  Then you think about it and realize that at 7:30 in the morning someone made a snide comment to you and it lingered.  You never had a chance to deal with it and it frustrated you and colored everything that you did that day.

Now imagine that morning’s experience that triggered that emotion, was not only from that day, but was a build up of experiences from the past ten years. 

These emotions, caused by negative experiences have become part of your subconscious and linger and clog up your system. They affect your day to day thoughts and feelings and body functions in a negative way.

The subconscious mind is like your computer’s hard drive.  It makes up ninety five percent of brain function and is constantly recording experiences from the time of conception.  The subconscious mind controls beliefs, emotions, habits, long term memory, and values.

We can go through an experience and not even realize the impact that it has on our subconscious mind.  When this experience is not dealt with properly, the brain finds a way for the experience to manifest itself in the body, through anxiety, depression, anger, addiction, or chronic pain.

Our brain will often sabotage a situation to “protect” us from going through a similar traumatic experience. For example, a person who was in a negative relationship can find themselves struggling to maintain a healthy relationship.  The brain “protects” them by sabotaging each relationship they are in, in order to not go through the same difficult experience.

Our whole body is running on an energy frequency.  Each thought has a frequency and current.  Add an emotion to the thought and the level of frequency escalates.   The thought will be followed by an emotion that will program the body to react in a certain way.  This thought will cause the same choices, which causes the same behaviors, the same experiences, and will produce the same emotions.

For example a person who has had a negative experience applying for a job, can create a frequency of anxiety every time they seek employment because the body has programmed itself to be anxious in that situation.

Our experiences are feeding our emotions, which lead to our behaviors.  The reason why many programs are not effective is because the issue is not being dealt with on a subconscious level. This process can help you make the changes that you want to make.

The Awareness Release Rehabilitate Program is designed to help individuals better understand what is causing the blocks that they are dealing with, removing them from the subconscious through the modalities of the Emotion Code and Body Code, and helping them with a rehabilitate process.

This process takes commitment in order to see results